Welcome to the Club de Francais

For people interested in France, it's language and culture

About us

The Club de Français de Cardiff was founded in 1978 for all those interested in France, its people and culture. Adults learning French are especially welcome and while we try to give opportunities for those attending to speak French, it is not essential to be fluent in the language. The talks are mostly in French, but speakers are reminded that we are students of the language and asked to speak slowly, use uncomplicated language and use illustrations if possible.  

Meetings, except where stated, take place between October and May, on Friday evenings. Most meetings are held in the Memorial Hall, Lon Ucha, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF14 6HL, where there is free on-site parking. Three or four of our meetings each season are on zoom, and we are joined in these by friends in Nantes, a city with which Cardiff is twinned. The meetings whether face to face or on zoom follow the same pattern - they begin at 7.30 pm, with the first 15 minutes devoted to general conversation, preferably in French, followed by the talk, in French, and sometimes given by one of our Nantais friends. This is for 30 - 45 minutes, after which we allow time for questions, comments and discussion. The meeting finishes at 9.00 p.m

If you would like further information, please phone the Secretary, Shirley Parsons, 07870 118061, or e-mail: club-de-francais@hotmail.co.uk.

Programme 2023 - 2024


  • October 6th - Joyeuse ouverture – Inscription, bavardage, rafraîchissements. Games and quiz
  • October 27th - Mme. Claude Rapport - "Les Français, sont-ils superstitieux?"
  • November 17th - Mme Hélène Jallat "France-Brésil : une vieille histoire d'amour "
  • December 1st - Soirée des Membres. - Présentations de 5 – 10 minutes par Membres Suivi de la Fête de Noël - chants de Noël et rafraîchissements
  • December 9th - Réunion avec Société Franco-Britannique - film at Insole Court at 2.30
  • December 15th - M. Pierre Baudry - "Jacques Audubon, artiste, naturaliste et ornithologue ".
    Réunion sur zoom à 7h30.


  • January 5th - Mme. Annick Morisseau – "Simone Veil, Survivante de l’Holocauste, politicienne, militante des droits des femmes". Réunion sur zoom à 7h30.
  • January 19th - Mr. Robert Llewellyn - "Pembrokeshire; qu’est-ce que les visiteurs français doivent savoir"? Réunion à 7h.30 à Rhiwbina Memorial Hall
  • February 2nd - Anne Conrad – "Mont St. Michel"
  • February 16th - Réunion avec Société Franco-Britannique. Mardi Gras – avec divertissements par membres de Société. Rafraîchissements. À Memorial Hall
  • March 1st - Mme. Valerie Ostermeyer - "À la découverte du Lot ". Réunion sur zoom à 7h30.
  • March 15th - Mr. Andrew West - "La France - en Révolution Permanente?".
  • March 29th - M. Bernard Martin - "Les marais salants (histoire et technique) ". Réunion sur zoom à 7h30.
  • April 12th - Réunion avec Société Franco-Britannique. Mme. Nadia Nebot. – "Djerba, ile tunisienne, destination de vacances privilégiée des Français "
  • May 3rd - Réunion à 7.30 à Memorial Hall. Dr. Kathryn Plant - “L’Age des Lumières”
  • May 17th - AGM, divertissements et rafraîchissements


Members - £25 per year

Visitors - £3.00 per meeting

Meets at Rhiwbina Memorial Hall